1 November 15 – February 15 ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS Click on the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION tab on the web page to open it. Enter the necessary information into the boxes on the Google forms platform and upload the Abstract in Word format to the relevant field.

2 November 15 – February 15 E-MAIL CONFIRMATION "Your BAİBÜİLEF-İG 2025 Information-Notification Abstract submission has reached us within 12 hours at the latest after uploading." Titled confirmation e-mail transmission

3 November 15 – February 15 REJECTION, CORRECTION, ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION Within 48 hours after uploading “Acceptance, rejection or correction result according to the evaluation report made by the symposium jury is sent to the participant via e-mail

4 November 15 – February 15 FEE PAYMENT + SENDING RECEIPT If the result is positive, sending the participation fee to the specified IBAN, sending the Receipt to and 0 531 744 13 24 whatapp line as DDF

5 November 15 – February 15 ACCEPTED AND INVITATION NOTIFICATION Within 12 hours after sending the receipt, sending the Symposium Acceptance and Invitation Document signed by the Symposium Organization Committee Chair to the participant (This document was created for the participant to use in requesting travel and daily allowance from their institution.)

6 12 May DEPARTURES TO BOLU Departure to Bolu for face-to-face participants

7 May 13 FACE-TO-FACE PRESENTATIONS Presentation of papers for face-to-face participants

8 May 14 ONLINE PRESENTATIONS Presentation of papers via Microsoft teams for online participants

9 May 15 NOTIFICATION OF E-GRATUITIES Sending of e-gratification documents (Sending of e-gratification documents as PDF for all participants who presented papers at the Symposium both face-to-face and online)

10 June 1 SUBMITTING REVISED ABSTRACTS, IF ANY Updates and changes to the abstracts, if any, for the preparation of the abstract book Last day for sending abstracts.

11 August 30 FULL-TEXT PAPERS SUBMITTED Last day for submission of papers (Participants who have presented papers at the symposium can submit their full-text papers starting from the first application. However, all full-text papers must be sent to us by the end of August.)