Prof. Dr. Levent Mercin Kutahya Dumlupınar University TÜRKİYE

He was born in 1968 in the Ceyhan district of Adana. He entered the Department of Art Teaching at Gazi University Faculty of Education in 1987 and graduated in 1991. He received his MA degree from Gazi University in 2002 and his PhD degree in 2006. He became an Associate Professor in Graphic Education in 2011 and a Professor in 2018. He opened 14 personal exhibitions, 10 of which were abroad. He participated in nearly 100 national and international mixed exhibitions, one of which was a joint exhibition. Some of his works are included in public institutions and organizations and museum collections. He has published 13 books, one of which he was a double author and the other of which he was an editor and chapter writer; nearly ninety (90) scientific articles and proceedings in internationally refereed journals, academic journals and symposium books. Some of his publications have received nearly five hundred (500) citations. He organized national and international social responsibility projects, festivals, exhibitions, workshops and also managed these artistic events. He took part in 24 projects of UNESCO, UNICEF, EUROPEAN UNION, MEB, BAP and Development Agencies as a manager, trainer and some as an expert. He managed the establishment project of DPÜ TV. He served as the head of the commission and writer in the commissions that updated the Visual Arts Course, Technology and Design Course and Elective Visual Arts Course Curriculums that concern millions of students and hundreds of thousands of teachers under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey. He also served as the head of the commission and section writer in the commissions that prepared the materials (books) of the Visual Arts Course and Technology and Design Courses. He served as the Vice Dean, Head of Department, Head of the Main Art Branch, Ethics Committee Member, GSF Board of Directors and Faculty Board Member for many years. Mercin is currently serving as the Dean of Kütahya Dumlupınar University Faculty of Fine Arts, to which he was appointed in 2019.