1 November 15 CALL CALL, announcement of the abstract submission deadline; Generally, the first or second week of February is determined as the abstract submission deadline.

2 March 1 ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS Announcement of accepted abstracts on the web page

3 April 1 ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACCEPTED ABSTRACTS IN EXTENSION OF TIME Announcement of accepted abstracts on the web page, If there is an extension of time for abstract submission, announcement of newly submitted abstracts that have been accepted

4 May 1 ANNOUNCEMENT OF SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM Publication of Symposium Program Flow Brochure

5 May 12 FIRST DAY OF SYMPOSIUM Opening with high-level protocol participation, attended and spoken by the Governor, Deputy Governor, Rector, Vice Rector, Secretary General, Deans and Invited Speakers, depending on availability, this opening is held in one of the halls in our University's congress center.

6 May 13 THE SECOND DAY OF THE SYMPOSIUM Considering the Symposium Program Flow, our participants will present their papers in session groups in the specified halls and times. These opening papers will be held on the second day, all face to face and in the halls of the Faculty of Communication building. 7 May 14
THE THIRD DAY OF THE SYMPOSIUM Considering the Symposium Program Flow, our participants will present their papers in session groups online this time via the links provided by the session moderators via Microsoft teams at the specified times

8 May 15 SENDING OF E-THANK YOU DOCUMENTS Sending of e-thank you documents as PDFs to all participants who presented papers at the Symposium face-to-face and online

9 May 16 SYMPOSIUM VETERAN CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION CEREMONY Presentation of certificates of appreciation to all symposium permanent board members, symposium committee members, academic, administrative staff and students on duty who worked throughout the Symposium

10 May 20 PUBLICATION OF THE SYMPOSIUM NEWS Publication of integrated news texts and Publishing the photographs taken during the symposium on the official website of the symposium, publishing the interview videos on our Faculty's official social media platforms and YouTube channel

11 June 15 PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS All participants who presented papers at our symposium face-to-face and online will have their abstracts edited by our Editors and published on the website

12 August 30 LAST DAY FOR SUBMITTING PAPER TEXT PAPERS Those who wish to submit papers at the symposium can submit their full-text papers starting from the first application. However, all full-text papers must be sent to us by the end of August.

13 September 15 PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS The submitted full-text papers will be edited by our Editors and published on the website as a Symposium Proceedings Book and the process will be completed