Reduction Instuctions

29 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi



Abstracts must be in Turkish or English.

All abstracts must not exceed 250 words, excluding the title and author's name and surname. The abstract text must be written as a single paragraph without paragraph indentation.
A bibliography must not be used in the abstract text.
The abstract must include the purpose, method, findings, discussion and at least three keywords.
The author(s)'s name and surname must be placed under the abstract title, centered on the main title, and the surname must be written in capital letters. At the end of the surname, a footnote must be given with an asterisk (*) and the author's information (title information, institution information, contact information and Orcid numbers) must be written as a footnote, justified on both sides of the page with Calibri, in 10 font and 1 space, and only visible on the first page.
In the abstract titles, all letters should be capitalized, centered, 12 point and plain/bold font. Abstract texts and Keywords should be written using plain font, 11 point and 1.5 line spacing.
Expressions such as newspaper, book, magazine, works of art, computer games, mobile applications and brand names quoted in the text should be written in italics.

Oral presentations should be made in English and/or Turkish.
Oral presentations should be made in the language in which the paper was written.
Oral presentation duration is 15 minutes.

Full texts of papers should be a maximum of 7500 words, and the spelling rules of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Communication AKAR (Abant Cultural Studies Journal) should be taken into consideration in the preparation of the texts.
AKAR Journal Writing Rules

It should be noted that the articles to be sent to the journal should not exceed 25 pages.
The margins in the articles to be sent to the journal should be as in the template.
The text should be written in accordance with the Turkish writing rules in “Palatino Linotype” font, 10 points, 0 pt first, 6 pt second, single line spacing of at least 12 pt. Paragraph indents should not be made in the articles.
The author’s name should not be included when the article is first uploaded to the journal. The author’s title, institution and e-mail address, ORCID number should be indicated at the bottom of the page using an asterisk footnote (*) at the end of the author’s name.
The following order should be followed in the articles to be sent to the journal: Title, abstract, keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, introduction, main text (title and subheadings), conclusion, bibliography, if any, appendices.
A Turkish and English abstract, not exceeding 200 words, should be included before the introduction, briefly explaining the scope, purpose, method used and results obtained in the study. English texts should include a Turkish abstract.
The titles of the article should be arranged as follows:
Level 1 headings: bold, 12 point left aligned
Level 2 headings: bold, 10 point, left aligned
Level 3 headings: italic, 10 point, left aligned
All headings should be left with 18 pt before and 6 pt after.
Only the first letter of the first word of in-text headings should be written in capital letters.
Citations in the text should be given according to the APA system.
Numbered notes in the text should be given at the end of the text, in numerical order and immediately before the references section.
Double quotation marks should be used for quotations in the text.
Quotations of 5 lines or longer should be given with 10 point font, without quotation marks, narrowed 1 cm from the right and left, and 6 pt spaces should be left before and after the quotation.
Proper names such as books, periodicals, and movies should be written in italics. Words that the author wants to emphasize should be written between double quotation marks.
In articles with three or more authors, the abbreviation “et al.” should be used after the surname of the first author.

If more than one work of the author published in the same year is cited, the letters “a,b,c,…” should be added at the end of the publication year of these publications.

If the publication date of the work is not known, the abbreviation “n.d.”, meaning no date, should be used instead of the publication date.
The references should be given in the original with a 1.25 cm indentation.
The works in the references should be written according to the following examples:

Binark, M. (2007). Critical Media Literacy. Ankara: Kalkedon Publications.
Stevenson, N. (2008). Media Cultures, Trans. Göze Orhon – B. Engin Aksoy. Ankara: Ütopya Publications.
Chapter in a compilation book:
Seçkin, G. (2007). Media Literacy Education: Importance and Needs. Media Literacy, Ed. Nurçay Türkoğlu and Melda C. Şimşek, pp. 329-354. İstanbul: Kalemus Publications.

Hall, S. (2014). Ideology and Communication Theory, Trans. Ahmet Gürata. Media Culture Politics, Ed. Süleyman İrvan, pp. 79-96. Ankara: Pharmakon Publications.

Article in an academic journal:
Hülür, H. (2000). Globalization and the Problem of Sociological Theorization. Selçuk Communication, 1(2): 27-36.
Writing styles not specified here are specified according to the APA bibliography system.
Resources are specified according to the APA bibliography system.
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